SKK about the war in Ukraine

On this page you can read about the measurements taken by Svenska Kennelklubben, SKK, regarding the war in Ukraine.

Military actions have never and will never bring anything good. SKK is strongly against the unacceptable actions that Ukraine is forced to endure and also Belarus engagement and support for Russia’s actions.

We feel deep sympathy to all that have been affected by the war in Ukraine. The suffering that our dog friends, dogs and all people in Ukraine is forced to endure for their country’s freedom and democracy is totally unacceptable.

We also express our sympathy to all our Russian and Belarus dog friends who has a political leadership which puts their country and people in a degrading and destructive situation.

Dog events in Russia and Belarus

SKK will not participate in any dog events in Russia or Belarus.
No Swedish representatives will be sent to any dog event and no Swedish judges are allowed to judge at shows, trials or competitions in Russia or Belarus. This applies until further notice.

Dog events in Sweden

Dogs owned by persons living in Russia or Belarus are not allowed to participate at shows, trials or competitions organised by any club associated to SKK. This applies until further notice.

Registration of imported dogs from Russia or Belarus

SKK has decided not to register imported dogs from Russia or Belarus. This is regardless of when the dog was imported to Sweden. This applies from March 15 and until further notice.

Judges who have been judging in Russia and Belarus

Judges for shows, trials and competitions who has judged in Russia and Belarus after February 24, 2022, are not allowed to judge at official Swedish shows, trials and competitions. This is applicable, if it is possible to secure that the judge has been judging in the above mentioned countries. This applies from November 9 and until further notice.

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  • Information in english

    On this page you can read about the measurements taken by Svenska Kennelklubben, SKK, regarding the war in Ukraine.

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